Updating nullable DataTable columns

While NULL is a standard feature and business-as-usual in the SQL world, and likewise null objects are common in the C# world, the concept of NULL and null are completely different things and the translation is easily forgotten. This is particularly important when correlating a data-aware C# object to a SQL database.

Assigning NULL to a C# SqlCommand.SqlParameter, where the column mes_route_step_id allows NULL values:

private static readonly string SQL_Insert =
            "INSERT INTO aca_wip_tracked_steps ( "
            + "route_step_name  "
            + ",mes_route_step_id  "
            + ",aca_wip_tracked_stepgroup_id  "
            + ") "
            + " OUTPUT INSERTED.aca_wip_tracked_step_id "
            + " VALUES "
            + "( "
            + "@route_step_name  "
            + ",@mes_route_step_id  "
            + ",@aca_wip_tracked_stepgroup_id  "
            + ") ";
SqlCommand sc = new SqlCommand();
sc.CommandText = SQL_Insert;
sc.Parameters.Add("@route_step_name", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 255).Value
            = _route_step_name;
sc.Parameters.Add("@mes_route_step_id", System.Data.SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value 
            = _mes_route_step_id.Equals(String.Empty) 
            ? System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid.Null 
            : new Guid(_mes_route_step_id);
sc.Parameters.Add("@aca_wip_tracked_stepgroup_id", System.Data.SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value 
            = _aca_wip_tracked_stepgroup_id.Equals(String.Empty) 
            ? System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid.Null 
            : new Guid(_aca_wip_tracked_stepgroup_id);
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Assigning NULL to the Datatable that correlates to the database:

if (flagInsertingNewRecord)
    DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
    row["aca_wip_tracked_step_id"] = insertedID;
    row["route_step_name"] = route_step_name;
    if (mes_route_step_id.Equals(String.Empty))
        row["mes_route_step_id"] = System.DBNull.Value;
        row["mes_route_step_id"] = mes_route_step_id;
    row["aca_wip_tracked_stepgroup_id"] = lblAcaWipTrackedStepGroupId.Text;
    for (int row = 0; row < dt.Rows.Count; row++)
        if (dt.Rows[row]["aca_wip_tracked_step_id"].ToString().Equals(insertedID))
            dt.Rows[row]["route_step_name"] = route_step_name;
            if (mes_route_step_id.Equals(String.Empty))
                dt.Rows[row]["mes_route_step_id"] = System.DBNull.Value;
                dt.Rows[row]["mes_route_step_id"] = mes_route_step_id;
            dt.Rows[row]["aca_wip_tracked_stepgroup_id"] = lblAcaWipTrackedStepGroupId.Text;
            break; // early exit of for loop.
Posted in C#, Programming, SQL Server | Leave a comment

I am a ruthless tree slayer.

Sorry, trees.

My attitude to printing is impacted by several years in the production side of printing.

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If printing a few pieces of paper makes a task easier, improves communication, or makes you more efficient, go for it. Kill the trees. Sometimes it’s necessary, sometimes it’s important, sometimes it’s expeditious.

Generally though, I try to keep things online. But I’m not afraid of arboreal retribution. Sorry, trees. I’m ruthless that way.

Posted in Business, Musings, Quote of the Day | Leave a comment

What not to do when working a support issue

Don’t make your customer work to get your assistance. They’re already suffering a problem. It’s your job to (try to) help them overcome whatever they’re facing, whatever that may be. Could be that your job is to help them understand why it’s NOT your job.

That’s a legitimate reason for a support call. Sometimes you can help them figure out who CAN help them. If they’re an internal customer, perhaps you can spearhead the solution for them and get the problem solved much faster than they could on their own.

DON’T tell them the scope of their issue is expanding. SUPPORT CALLS ARE NOT PROJECTS. They don’t have a scope. If you’re really dealing with another issue and can’t because of your internal policy, then tell them they’ll need to open a new case. BETTER, if you’re able to then open that new case for them.

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And one of my perennial favorite sayings, NEVER EVER invalidate a customer’s experience. If they tell you something is happening, it’s their perception that it IS happening. For a support tech to tell them that it never happens, or that we’ve never seen it before, is telling the customer that they are wrong, or stupid, and could even be borderline gaslighting. Don’t do it.

That is all for now.

Posted in Business, Musings, System/DB Administration | Leave a comment

Dynamic Titles in PowerBI

TL;DR: Copy this code into your DAX formatter.

Selected Program = VAR _program = IF ( ISFILTERED ( ‘db_datareader uvw_aca_wipInfoPrior12Buckets'[program] ), IF ( HASONEFILTER ( ‘db_datareader uvw_aca_wipInfoPrior12Buckets'[program] ), IF ( ISBLANK ( SELECTEDVALUE ( ‘db_datareader uvw_aca_wipInfoPrior12Buckets'[program] ) ), “Unspecified programs”, COMBINEVALUES ( ” “, “the”, SELECTEDVALUE ( ‘db_datareader uvw_aca_wipInfoPrior12Buckets'[program] ), “program” ) ), “Multiple programs” ), “All programs” )RETURN _program

Inspired by #GuyInACube’s video @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXv13mkjV2Y

Display a dynamic PowerBI report title based on filters and/or slicers. If one value is selected, it displays in the title. If multiple values are selected, the title says so. If all values are selected, the title says so. If unspecified values are selected, the title says so.

Report Title goes on a card visual, and looks like this:

Report Title = COMBINEVALUES ( " ", "Production Yield for", [Selected Program], "at", [Selected Step], "#", [Selected Pass] )

Selected Program, for example, looks like this:

Selected Program = VAR _program =

IF (

ISFILTERED ( 'db_datareader uvw_aca_wipInfoPrior12Buckets'[program] ),

IF (

HASONEFILTER ( 'db_datareader uvw_aca_wipInfoPrior12Buckets'[program] ),

IF (

ISBLANK ( SELECTEDVALUE ( 'db_datareader uvw_aca_wipInfoPrior12Buckets'[program] )


"Unspecified programs",


" ",


SELECTEDVALUE ( 'db_datareader uvw_aca_wipInfoPrior12Buckets'[program] ),




"Multiple programs"


"All programs"




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Posted in Business Intelligence, PowerBI | Leave a comment

Responding with regard



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“We met Damon, a senior leader in health care, who shared what became one of our favorite ways to Respond with Regard. Damon had served in the military before his career in health care and learned this strategy from one of his commanding officers. “When someone speaks up with an idea, find a yes. You may not be able to implement the entire idea, and the piece you say yes to may not be transformative or worth a huge effort—it might even be a small headache. But when you can say yes to something, it brings down the walls.” What a powerful way to think about how you respond to ideas! Damon smiled as he shared this strategy. “When my commanding officer first gave me this advice, I laughed at it. But now I use it nearly every day. If you can find a small win for them, meet them where they are, it changes their outlook and, in many cases, they’ll run through walls for you.”

“Find the yes is another example of gratitude, process, and invitation—wrapped up into one straightforward response. People feel seen, appreciated, and know that they make a difference. Nothing communicates that you truly want to hear ideas more than finding a yes and getting that idea into the world.”

Posted in Business, Musings | Leave a comment

Testing in Low Code environments

I’ve seen a fair amount of discussion recently about migrating business systems to self-tagged “low code” solutions. This shifts the burden of testing from code (unit / static) and integration tests into more of a business-process test – nearly integration testing, but somewhat of a larger scope.

Any time a “developer” (in the Agile sense of a Development Team Member) creates a product, they need to consider a way to verify their output. In a production environment this can be extremely complicated for several reasons. Test transactions against production systems may be logged into the production data, causing inaccurate processing spikes during analysis or requiring a method to delete or ignore the test transactions. Test systems or equipment may be extremely expensive to obtain or operate, making provision of a test framework impractical or expensive. Low-code systems inevitably face both of these issues.

To overcome the problems of testing in a production environment, it is necessary to have access to a sandbox environment and sandbox processing systems. In a service mesh environment, the sandbox may be very complex. Each element of the production system must be reproduced, although likely at a smaller scale.

I’m kind of rambling here. Let me get to my point.

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Low-code systems are basically workflows. A flowchart with Inputs and Output to business systems, and sometimes transactional logging. How do you test a flowchart?

From a common sense perspective, flowcharts can be tested like any other product. Test the possible inputs. Run it through the decisions to produce the range of outputs. Verify the outputs match expectations. Try a few invalid inputs. Possibly verify basic connectivity, or proper access, or access denial. Maybe performance and user acceptance. These tests will need to be conducted against the production system eventually, and it’s prudent to conduct ongoing tests to prevent regression, so it is wise to construct a test system that closely mirrors (or actually uses) the production system.

This looks a lot like standard integration testing after applying shift-left. It’s dangerous to perform a shift-left on your business systems and ignore their integration tests. Effectively, you can swap a legacy business system for a low-code system by establishing a overarching business systems integration framework. This level of testing verifies business processes are working as expected, so orders are processed accurately, bills sent for payment, shipments sent to the right address, correct accounts are billed, etc. Obviously, these are extremely critical business processes, and other types of processes (e.g. factory equipment integration) also have similar technical demands. I’ll step on my soapbox to say that systemic testing should be in place already at every organization, but is neglected by many.

I’m hopeful systemic integration testing becomes more of a focus going forward, and it will certainly shift the need for testing. Perhaps the internal development teams displaced by powerful low-code systems can take on such a verification role.

Posted in Business, Project Management, System/DB Administration | Leave a comment

Display a Tooltip when the user hovers the mouse over a control

AKA mouseover, hovertext.

To display a message over one specific control

            string message = WORKCENTERS_FOR_ROUTESTEP_STRING + lbRouteSteps.SelectedItem.ToString();

            lblSelectedRouteStep.Text = message;

            System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip ToolTip1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip();

            ToolTip1.SetToolTip(this.lblSelectedRouteStep, message);

For displaying over multiple controls on a form

Instantiate a form-scoped ToolTip object.

        // For display of mouseover text on various controls.

        private ToolTip _tooltip = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip();

Add logic to update the hovertext. Set to empty string to hide it.

            string sn = txtSerialNumber.Text;

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            if (_mq.IsSerialNumberValid(sn))


                // Get the part number, and templates, and set all the LEDs.

                pbSerialNumberLED.Image = Properties.Resources.led_green_black_sm;

                _tooltip.SetToolTip(pbSerialNumberLED, “”);




                // Indicate the P/N was not found in MES.

                pbSerialNumberLED.Image = Properties.Resources.led_amber_black_sm;

                _tooltip.SetToolTip(pbSerialNumberLED, NON_MES_SN);

Posted in C#, Programming | Leave a comment

End of Line

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(“Part of some text”);

sb.AppendLine(); // adds a Windows-style CRLF end-of-line.

/r/n is Windows-style. That’s ASCII 13, ASCII 10.

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/r is Linux-style. ASCII 13.

/n is Mac-style. ASCII 10.

Posted in C#, Programming | Leave a comment

Automated functional tests of User Interfaces

This was a dialogue of the concepts behind the automation of indirect functional and integration testing via the events and controls of a User Interface (UI).

“NamePlateValidation has a good example of an automated UI functional test. It sends keystrokes into the UI via events (because each textbox control has a text change event on each keystroke, not just on Enter key or lostfocus or a button click.) For other screens, if there’s no event on individual keystrokes, setting the value of textbox.Text then sending the button click event is sufficient – generally, follow the events caused by the anticipated user process.

“Then, the test harness can check whether the UI controls that are supposed to update are actually updated with the expected values. Or if that immediate validation is not easily automated, the test harness can ask the user if it that area of the displayed UI looks good. (That should be done only when necessary.)

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“Why might it not be easily automated?

“Because timing of event results versus the test harness could be out of sequence – particularly if the event triggers a remote database query over VPN, and the test harness is running locally. The local harness can advance to its next step far faster than the UI responds to the data request. (It would be possible to build in a fixed delay or a notification event that indicates the UI is ready for validation… That would increase the duration required to run tests, so may not work well.)

“This technique is a combination of functional testing and integration testing. It still requires human hands-on for “look-and-feel” acceptance testing, but the UI data can be (mostly) automatically validated.”

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