Excel (VBA) name-parsing method

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim rng As Range, cel As Range

Set rng = Range("A2", "A5727")

‘ Set rng = Range(“A2”, “A1000”)

For Each cel In rng
     ParseName cel.value, cel
Next cel

MsgBox "Processing complete."

End Sub

Public Sub ParseName(value As String, cel As Range)

‘Given a name string,
‘1. Clean it to remove non-valid characters.
‘2. Parse it into its consituent parts.
‘ Salutation
‘ First name
‘ Middle name
‘ Last name
‘ Suffix
‘3. Provide output for ETS-format record content.
‘ Salutation
‘ First name + Middle Initial
‘ Last name + Suffix
‘ Contact (First name if provided. Else, Salutation + Last name.)

Const START_COL As Integer = 12
Const A_ASC As Integer = 65
Const Z_ASC As Integer = 90
Const DASH_ASC As Integer = 45
Const AMPERSAND_ASC As Integer = 38
Const QUOTE_ASC As Integer = 39

Dim theChar As String
Dim theAsc As Integer
Dim valid As Boolean

Dim i As Integer
Dim ary() As String

Dim saluNm As String
Dim firstNm As String
Dim lastNm As String
Dim midNm As String
Dim suffNm As String
Dim contactNm As String

Dim ampNm As String 'Processing for ampersand
Dim processed As Boolean

'----- Begin cleaning.

'Check each char.
'Remove non-alpha chars, except:
'"&" as in "Ken & Mary"
'"-" for hyphenated names
'"'" for O'Neill etc
'We should allow accented characters from other languages, but not yet.
For i = 1 To Len(value)

    theChar = Mid(value, i, 1)
    theAsc = Asc(theChar)
    valid = False

    If theAsc >= A_ASC _
    And theAsc <= Z_ASC Then 'Valid alpha
        valid = True
    End If
    If theAsc = DASH_ASC Then 'Dash. Make sure it looks valid.
        If Mid(value, i - 1, 1) <> " " _
        And Asc(Mid(value, i + 1, 1)) >= A_ASC _
        And Asc(Mid(value, i + 1, 1)) <= Z_ASC _
            valid = True
        End If
    End If
    If theAsc = QUOTE_ASC Then 'Quote. Make sure it looks valid.
        If Mid(value, i - 1, 1) <> " " _
        And Asc(Mid(value, i + 1, 1)) >= A_ASC _
        And Asc(Mid(value, i + 1, 1)) <= Z_ASC _
            valid = True
        End If
    End If
    If theAsc = AMPERSAND_ASC Then 'Ampersand. Make sure it looks valid.
        If Mid(value, i - 1, 1) = " " _
        And Mid(value, i + 1, 1) = " " Then
            valid = True
        End If
    End If

    'Invalid. Change to space.
    If Not valid Then
        Mid(value, i, 1) = " "
    End If

Next i

'Remove any blank elements (remove duplicate spaces until there are no more.)
Do Until InStr(value, "  ") = 0
    value = Replace(value, "  ", " ", 1, 1)
'Remove any leading or trailing spaces.
value = Trim(value)

'---- Begin parsing.

'Split line into array for parsing.
ary = Split(value, " ")

'Parse each array element.
'Find and set:

For i = 0 To UBound(ary)

    processed = False

        ary(i) = UCase(ary(i))

    'Remove any ATTN or ATT
    If ary(i) = "ATTN" _
    Or ary(i) = "ATT" _
        ary(i) = ""
        processed = True
    End If

    'Find any salutation
    If ary(i) = "MR" _
    Or ary(i) = "MRS" _
    Or ary(i) = "MS" _
    Or ary(i) = "MISS" _
    Or ary(i) = "ATTY" _
    Or ary(i) = "DR" _
    Or ary(i) = "SIR" _
    Or ary(i) = "MADAM" _
    Or ary(i) = "MIS" _
    Or ary(i) = "SRA" _
    Or ary(i) = "SR" _
        'Do not override salutations with "&"
        'because we'd see MR & MRS showing up as MRS.
        If InStr(1, saluNm, "&") = 0 Then
           saluNm = ary(i)
        End If
        processed = True
    End If

    'Change AND (MR AND MRS) to an ampersand for better processing.
    If ary(i) = "AND" _
        ary(i) = "&"
    End If

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    'Will overwrite Mr or Mrs if they are already in Salutation.
    If ary(i) = "&" _
        'Set ampNm to include the ampersand, and the elements before and after it.
        ampNm = ary(i - 1) & " & " & ary(i + 1)
        'And clear the next element so we don't process it twice.
        ary(i + 1) = ""

        'Put MR & MRS in salutation; anything else in firstname.
        If ampNm = "MR & MRS" _
        Or ampNm = "SR & SRA" _
            saluNm = ampNm
            firstNm = ampNm
        End If

        processed = True

    End If

    'Handle suffixes.
    If ary(i) = "ESQ" _
    Or ary(i) = "PHD" _
    Or ary(i) = "JR" _
    Or ary(i) = "III" _
    Or ary(i) = "IV" _
        suffNm = ary(i)
        processed = True
    End If

    'Remove garbage!  BLDG, APT, PER (PER CALL),etc should not be there.
    'Note that the "CALL" part of "PER CALL" requires a little more intelligence.
    If ary(i) = "BLDG" _
    Or ary(i) = "APT" _
    Or ary(i) = "PER" _
    Or ary(i) = "THANK" _
    Or ary(i) = "THANKS" _
    Or ary(i) = "YOU" _
    Or ary(i) = "PHONE" _
    Or ary(i) = "PLEDGE" _
    Or ary(i) = "THANKYOU" _
    Or ary(i) = "DONT" _
    Or ary(i) = "REQUEST" _
    Or ary(i) = "PAID" _
    Or ary(i) = "REMINDER" _
    Or ary(i) = "REBILL" _
    Or ary(i) = "REMAIL" _
    Or ary(i) = "MAIL" _
    Or ary(i) = "CONVERSATION" _
        processed = True
    End If

    If ary(i) = "CALL" _
        If i > 1 Then
            If ary(i - 1) = "PER" Then
                processed = True
            End If
        End If
    End If

    'Middle initial?
    If Len(ary(i)) = 1 _
    And ary(i) <> "&" _
    And ary(i) <> "-" _
    And ary(i) <> "'" _

        'If last name is already found,
        'or last array element,
        'then this is probably part of address.
        If lastNm = "" _
        And i < UBound(ary) _
            'Do we already have a "middle" initial, like "B G BYRD"?
            If midNm <> "" Then
                'If first name is blank, fill it in.
                If firstNm = "" Then
                    firstNm = midNm
                    midNm = ary(i)
                    'We already have a first name. 2 middle initials?
                    midNm = midNm & " " & ary(i)
                End If
                midNm = ary(i)
            End If
        End If
        processed = True
    End If

    'Element was not processed; must be first or last name.
    If Not processed Then
        ' "unprocessed" encountered goes into firstNm if empty;
        'If firstNm already has data, it goes into lastNm if empty.
        'Stop after 2, because bad data (if present) tends to follow the real name.
        If firstNm = "" Then
            firstNm = ary(i)
            If lastNm = "" Then
                lastNm = ary(i)
            Else  'Last name is already full. Could we have a 2-word first name?
                If lastNm = "ANN" _
                Or lastNm = "SUE" _
                Or lastNm = "BOB" _
                Or lastNm = "MARIE" _
                Or lastNm = "MARY" _
                Or lastNm = "JO" _
                Or lastNm = "JOE" _
                Or lastNm = "ELLEN" _
                Or lastNm = "LEE" _
                Or lastNm = "LEA" _
                Or lastNm = "RAE" _
                Or lastNm = "RAY" _
                    firstNm = firstNm & " " & lastNm
                    lastNm = ary(i)
                End If

            End If
        End If
    End If

Next i
'Done parsing the elements.

 'Ready to finalize name.

'If last is blank and first has data, it's probably last name. Move it there.
 If firstNm <> "" And lastNm = "" Then
    lastNm = firstNm
    firstNm = ""
 End If

'Append middlename to firstname
 If midNm <> "" Then
    firstNm = firstNm & " " & midNm
 End If

'Append suffix to lastname
If suffNm <> "" Then
    lastNm = lastNm & " " & suffNm
End If

'And set the contact.
If firstNm <> "" Then
    contactNm = firstNm
    contactNm = saluNm & " " & lastNm
End If

Range("L" & cel.Row).value = saluNm
Range("M" & cel.Row).value = firstNm
Range("N" & cel.Row).value = lastNm
Range("O" & cel.Row).value = contactNm

End Sub

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