A Big, Big Bouquet

It’s only after you have kids that you truly realize how wrong your plans can go. The depths of wrongness are, well, deep. But sometimes when you hit rock-bottom in the Sea of Very Wrong, you look around and realize that maybe things ain’t so bad after all.

Let me give you an example. Dawn takes much pride in and has great joy in our plants.  I honestly don’t know how she manages it, but from early Spring through late Autumn a fragrant sequence of flowers blooms in our garden. To dress up our dinner table, Dawn frequently brings in a centerpiece bouquet.  Our garden brings happiness to the entire family. Our girl spends a lot of time helping Dawn in the yard. She even learned from Mommy how to pick flowers for a bouquet. Doesn’t that sound like a wondrous thing for a little girl? That was the plan…

On Mother’s Day, Dawn finished some garden work and went inside to clean up. Our girl and I played outside for a while longer, then started inside. On the way to the door, she decided to go back to pick a flower for Mommy. I told her to hurry up as I walked around the corner of the house. And waited. And waited. Uh-oh, Parent Warning Light is flashing red!

You may have already guessed by this time she had a bunch of flowers in her hand, and the flower bed had none. Now, sure, that is cute, but the bare flower bed will not rate very well with Mommy. In fact, while our girl was picking flowers, Dawn was yelling through the bathroom window for her to stop. Running back to the garden, I told our girl to leave the flowers alone and come inside, Now.  And she did, listening like a good girl.

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Yeah. At least that worked. I had just become the Dad Who Let The Kid Destroy The Flowerbed. I was drowning in the deep end of Plans Gone Wrong at this point. So we stood inside the house, my little one holding the remains of the flowerbed. I was considering how to explain why she shouldn’t pick all of the flowers when she looked up at me, smiling big with bright eyes. “Daddy, I picked a Big, Big Bouquet for Mommy!”

If you could look into my mind at this point, you’d see a sudden shift into reverse. “Umm, yeah, she’s totally done the right thing here. You can’t tell her she was naughty for picking a Mother’s Day bouquet.” I fumbled for a few words, “They look very nice, dear. Let’s put them in some water.” Then I noticed that Dawn was in the shower. The shower has water… So I sent my girl on a mission to surprise Mommy with the Big, Big Bouquet.

Plan gone wrong? Maybe. But I’d do it all over again.


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